Rick Dryer on Mile High Capital Group
It has been a long two years and more since I turned the operations of Mile High Capital Group over to others. My heart has been broken by the difficulties of the company and the resultant affect; for me and my family, for the former employees, but especially for so many others involved in the Mile High dream.
It has been very difficult for me to stand silent as I have seen almost always incomplete and frequently factually wrong reports in the press. However, I felt my first responsibility was to do nothing to disrupt the environment for first the Receiver for the company, and for the last year, the Trustee in bankruptcy court. I made the conscious decision that amplifying the rhetoric would not help in any way. But actions speak louder than words. I feel proud that my actions, having several times helped avoid the company being shut down, including by regulators, have had an effect. Though I am somewhat disappointed by the results, the Trustee has reported about fifteen million dollars of recovery so far. That's fifteen million better than having been liquidated.
I hope those most affected will reserve judgment as the respective civil, criminal, and bankruptcy litigation comes to resolution; we hope within months rather than years. I hope you will join me in having faith that the truth is a mighty sword, but also understanding, everything in its season. Still I feel that a few points cry out to be made.
First, as many of you know, I shared the stage with many notable folks at the Right Place Right TimeT seminars, Infinity Broadcasting's Rich Dad Real Estate Investor Workshops, and other special events like Mark Victor Hansen's and Robert Allen's Inner Circle events, as well as many investment club and other educational venues. These notables include, of course, Professor Eldred, my friend and the architect of Trump University's real estate courses, along with Mark Victor Hansen of Chicken Soup for the Soul fame, Robert Allen, author of Multiple Streams of Income, David Bach author of best sellers Start Late Finish Rich and The Automatic Millionaire, Robert Shemin, author of Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor, Rich Kaarlgard, publisher of Forbes Magazine and author of Life 2.0, Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad, Poor Dad fame, George Ross, Donald Trump's lawyer and costar of The Apprentice TV show, as well as countless other speakers, authors, and professionals in real estate, motivation, and related fields.
Let me make clear in the strongest possible terms that these folks were never asked to, and never did, promote, any particular product, including Mile High's, at these events. They are, like Dr. Eldred, totally unrelated to Mile High Capital Group's sales or operations. However, let me also make clear how offensive the implication has been in some press reports that these folks were merely assembled as at some cattle call for speaking fees. Of course they are professional speakers. But though they can be hired, in my experience of them, they could never be bought. They participated in the events we shared for the same reason I did: a love of learning, of teaching, and of empowering people.
Second, I wouldn't want my silence, imposed by circumstances unrelated, to imply to the contrary: let me tip my hat to the Mile High Capital Group employees, who have also been vilified by some. Even as the company entered a stipulated receivership more than a year and a half ago, when they knew that future careers with the company were more than problematic, they stayed at their posts out of service and devotion to their number one concern, the Mile High customers. They should be commended for their responsible efforts at doing the right thing.
Third, I have had it with the description by some of Mile High's customers as hapless sheep. To the contrary Mile High's customers were and are the cream of the crop; self reliant, motivated, generally well educated, and indisputably entrepreneurial. They are the very best. For those amazed at the volume of Mile High's business, let me share a secret. The secret of moving these folks to action is simple - make sense, have good information, tell them the truth. They are very smart, and not impressed with pomp or silliness. It wasn't the glitter of any presentation that impressed them. The problem was not in their assumptions, nor the Mile High products, nor their actions in ordering those products- it was in the company not delivering. Please, do not add insult to the injury of many by demeaning the intelligence of Mile High's customers.
Finally, I pray from the bottom of my heart that those caught up and hurt by the unfortunate events involving the troubles at Mile High Capital Group will nevertheless not be discouraged. Continue to take action to achieve your dreams, to be responsible for your own destiny, to get educated and informed, and to make up your own minds. Good days are ahead for you.