In early 2008, I took a break from marketing and design to go work as an organizer for the Obama Campaign in Georgia and then North Carolina. I quickly learned that I wouldn't be taking a break from design work and marketing, so much as learning to quickly apply those skills to finding volunteers and encouraging people to vote. The following are some of the items I designed while on the campaign trail.
Office Opening Poster
This was a poster to advertise the opening of our new office in Augusta, GA
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Knock for Barack Flyer
A flyer for a weekend event in which the goal was to knock on 100,000 doors statewide.
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Ticket for Change Flyer
This flyer took many forms over the months, but essentially it was meant to encourage people to volunteer in any way they could and suggested a number of options as well as identified their local campaign contact.
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Unite for Change Team Goals Flyer
Meeting and exceeding goals was an important part of succeeding in the campaign and determining the path moving forward, this flyer was given to volunteer team captains for them to know their goals for a given period of time.
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Volunteer Flyer
A smaller flyer to encourage people to volunteer.
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